Disney On Ice presents "Mickey’s Search Party" at the Golden 1 Center in Sacramento on November 1, 2024. This family-friendly event features beloved Disney characters like Mickey, Minnie, and friends, as they embark on a magical adventure on ice. Expect dazzling skating performances, exciting acrobatics, and interactive elements that bring Disney stories to life in...
Disney On Ice presents "Mickey’s Search Party" will be at the Golden 1 Center in Sacramento on November 2, 2024. This enchanting ice show features Mickey, Minnie, and other beloved Disney characters on an adventure full of breathtaking skating, acrobatics, and engaging performances that bring Disney stories to life. The event is perfect for all...
Disney On Ice presents "Mickey’s Search Party" returns to the Golden 1 Center in Sacramento for another performance on November 2, 2024, at 3 PM. This captivating ice show features Mickey, Minnie, and other beloved Disney characters in a journey filled with impressive skating, acrobatics, and immersive storytelling that brings Disney magic to life.
Disney On Ice presents "Mickey’s Search Party" will have an additional performance at the Golden 1 Center in Sacramento on November 2, 2024, at 7 PM. This show combines stunning ice skating, acrobatics, and beloved Disney characters, offering an engaging and magical experience perfect for audiences of all ages.
Disney On Ice presents "Mickey’s Search Party" will have a final Sacramento performance at the Golden 1 Center on November 3, 2024, at 11 AM. This family-friendly ice show features Mickey, Minnie, and other favorite Disney characters, along with captivating skating routines, acrobatics, and interactive elements that bring Disney stories to life in a magical...
Disney On Ice presents "Mickey’s Search Party" will conclude its Sacramento performances at the Golden 1 Center on November 3, 2024, at 3 PM. This delightful show features Disney characters like Mickey and Minnie as they embark on a thrilling adventure on ice, with beautiful skating, acrobatics, and interactive elements that bring Disney magic to...
"Taylor Shines: The Laser Spectacular" is coming to the Crest Theatre in Sacramento on November 3, 2024. This show is a vibrant and immersive experience celebrating the music of Taylor Swift with synchronized laser visuals and light displays. Combining her biggest hits with a stunning light show, it creates a captivating atmosphere for fans of...
Disney On Ice presents "Mickey’s Search Party" will feature a performance at the Golden 1 Center in Sacramento on November 3, 2024, at 7 PM. This engaging show combines thrilling ice skating, aerial acrobatics, and beloved Disney characters, bringing magical stories to life for audiences of all ages.