The Klezmatics, performing at The Sofia in Sacramento on December 16, promise an evening where klezmer music and joyous celebration collide. Known for their unique sound, the Klezmatics weave traditional...
The Capital Jazz Project Holiday Concert, titled "Swingin' Holidays," is set to light up The Sofia in Sacramento on December 20. This concert by the celebrated Capital Jazz Project reimagines...
Peter Petty’s Hepcat’s Holla’Daze! Swingin' Yuletide Revue at The Sofia on December 17 offers a vibrant, jazzed-up holiday extravaganza with a nostalgic big-band flair. Known for his dazzling showmanship, Peter...
Navidades!, presented by Calidanza at The Sofia on December 22, offers an immersive celebration of Mexican Christmas traditions. The performance captures the warmth and spirit of Navidad through vibrant dance,...