The Pro Am Showcase at Laughs Unlimited is an exciting night of comedy where rising amateur comedians share the stage with seasoned pros. This dynamic event offers a unique mix of fresh, new voices and polished talent, creating a lively atmosphere filled with unpredictable and hilarious performances. Audiences can discover up-and-coming comedians honing their craft...
Hamilton, the groundbreaking musical that has redefined Broadway, is set to captivate audiences at the SAFE Credit Union Performing Arts Center in Sacramento from January 8 to January 19, 2025. This revolutionary production chronicles the life of Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, blending hip-hop, jazz, R&B, and traditional Broadway styles to narrate America's early history through...
The By All Means Comedy Competition at Laughs Unlimited is an electrifying showcase of comedic talent, featuring up-and-coming comedians battling it out for laughs and glory. This high-energy event puts a spotlight on diverse comedic voices, as performers deliver their best material to win over the audience and judges. With fast-paced sets, unexpected twists, and...
On May 17, 2025, The Sofia in Sacramento will host Lily Henley, an award-winning folk singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist. Henley is acclaimed for her innovative interpretations of Sephardic Jewish ballads,...
On May 17, 2025, The Sofia in Sacramento will host Dirty Cello, a San Francisco-based ensemble renowned for their high-energy fusion of blues, bluegrass, and rock, all led by the dynamic cellist Rebecca Roudman. Described as "cello like you've never heard before," their performances blend the virtuosic wail of Jimi Hendrix, the soul of B.B....
Umphrey's McGee will bring their Cruising Altitude 2025 Tour to Ace of Spades in Sacramento on March 20, 2025. Known for their genre-defying sound, the band blends progressive rock, funk,...
RX Bandits will perform at Ace of Spades in Sacramento on March 22, 2025. Known for their genre-blending sound, RX Bandits seamlessly fuse ska, punk, progressive rock, and reggae into...