The Pro Am Showcase at Laughs Unlimited is an exciting night of comedy where rising amateur comedians share the stage with seasoned pros. This dynamic event offers a unique mix of fresh, new voices and polished talent, creating a lively atmosphere filled with unpredictable and hilarious performances. Audiences can discover up-and-coming comedians honing their craft...
The By All Means Comedy Competition at Laughs Unlimited is an electrifying showcase of comedic talent, featuring up-and-coming comedians battling it out for laughs and glory. This high-energy event puts a spotlight on diverse comedic voices, as performers deliver their best material to win over the audience and judges. With fast-paced sets, unexpected twists, and...
Paul Morrissey will take the stage at Laughs Unlimited, bringing his sharp observational humor and laid-back delivery to the spotlight. Known for his clean yet clever comedy, Paul has a unique ability to find hilarity in everyday situations, from pop culture to personal experiences. A former sportscaster turned comedian, he has appeared on The Late...
FLO will bring their Access All Areas North American Tour to Ace of Spades in Sacramento on May 12, 2025. Known for their smooth harmonies, captivating vocals, and nostalgic yet modern R&B sound, FLO has quickly become a standout in the genre. With tracks like Cardboard Box and Fly Girl, the British trio blends classic...
Nightly will bring their Live On Tour to Ace of Spades in Sacramento on May 13, 2025. Known for their sleek blend of alternative pop and indie rock, Nightly delivers heartfelt songs with dreamy melodies, infectious hooks, and emotional lyricism. Tracks like the movies and Twenty Something showcase their signature sound, combining modern production with...